The last thing you want to deal with is not being prepared in the event of an emergency. Preparing for an emergency in advance can play an important role in how quickly your response time is – even saving a life. To make sure you have at least the basics in place, let’s have a look at the 5 things you should know in case of an emergency with your pet. Your plans may never have to be deployed, but if an emergency does arise, at least you’ll be fully prepared.
Emergency Care Basics
The first thing you should have in place are the basics for emergency care. You want to make sure that important critical care is provided, your vet is contacted, and you know where to go. The most important emergency pet care basics include:
● The emergency phone number for your veterinarian.
● The phone number to the local emergency animal hospital.
● The directions (possibly multiple routes) to the emergency animal hospital.
● How to muzzle, restrain, or move a frightened pet.
● Pet CPR
● The poison control hotline (888-426-4435)
With at least these basic elements in place, you can take the first steps in ensuring your pet get appropriate care in the event of an emergency.
Have An Emergency Plan
Sometimes a pet emergency is more than just an emergency for your pet. Systemic local emergencies can also occur, like a house fire, weather event, or others. Your emergency plan needs to include things like what to do with your pet if you’re not home, who will care for your pet while you get to them, how to meet up with critical people, where you can stay with a pet if you have to be away from home, etc. Having a plan in place ahead of time can ensure you and your pet are safe when you need it the most.
An Emergency Pet Care and First Aid Kit
One of the best ways to ensure your pet is in great shape in any of the emergencies that can arise is having
Keep Vaccinations Up To Date
If for whatever reason you and your pet are separated, and your pet needs to visit an animal shelter, kennel, or even the pet sitter, having updated vaccinations (and the paperwork to show it) is important. Many shelters and kennels will not accept a pet that is not vaccinated. Other pets being cared for by the pet-sitter may be put in harm’s way if your pet is not up to date as well. Keep these documents near your emergency pet care and first aid kit for easy access when needed.
Prepare A Safe Space
There are few things worse than making an already stressful situation even more stressful. To make sure your pet feels safe and secure during an emergency, make sure they have a comfortable space available. This can be as simple as making sure their crate is fitted with clean bedding, a few toys, and a favorite comfort item if they have one. Also, make sure to have their harness or leash available for safe transport if needed.
Final Thoughts
Addressing these 5 things you should know in case of an emergency with your pet before something happens can ensure a safe and quick emergency response. Being prepared in advance is the best way to be as safe as possible, ready for anything that may arise. Whether the emergency is due to an injury, an illness, a storm, a fire, or anything else, you can be sure you’re as ready as you can be. If you’d like some tips on how to prepare for an emergency, let us know, and we will be glad to help. We are always here for you, especially when it comes to pet emergencies! Contact our Parkland, FL office for details.